Who we are: Stash was brought to life by two tea-obsessed hippies in Portland, OR, in the 1970s. We’re proudly family-owned, minority-owned, and woman-led.
Skip the café. Sip at home: As teaheads, we love making life’s blissful moments effortlessly attainable. These cafe-worthy lattes are no exception. Simply mix together equal parts tea latte concentrate and milk of your choice. Enjoy hot or iced.
Over 100 Flavors: With classic and unique flavors of black, green, chai, oolong, white, rooibos, iced tea, sampler variety packs, loose-leaf tea, and tea latte concentrate. Stash has something for everyone, perfect for daily sipping or a special gift.
Skillfully Made, Inherently Tasty. Our tea latte concentrates are carefully created and expertly mixed by skilled tea artisans. We incorporate handpicked plant botanicals that are Non-GMO and completely natural. Each sip delivers a generous helping of pure goodness.
Sip Sublime: Brew up something delightfully different. Our one-of-a-kind take on the classic London Fog latte. Packed with flavors of black tea, sweet almond, and bergamot, the perfect companion for a moment of bliss!
Who we are: Stash was brought to life by two tea-obsessed hippies in Portland, OR, in the 1970s. We’re proudly family-owned, minority-owned, and woman-led.
Skip the café. Sip at home: As teaheads, we love making life’s blissful moments effortlessly attainable. These cafe-worthy lattes are no exception. Simply mix together equal parts tea latte concentrate and milk of your choice. Enjoy hot or iced.
Over 100 Flavors: With classic and unique flavors of black, green, chai, oolong, white, rooibos, iced tea, sampler variety packs, loose-leaf tea, and tea latte concentrate. Stash has something for everyone, perfect for daily sipping or a special gift.
Skillfully Made, Inherently Tasty. Our tea latte concentrates are carefully created and expertly mixed by skilled tea artisans. We incorporate handpicked plant botanicals that are Non-GMO and completely natural. Each sip delivers a generous helping of pure goodness.
Sip Sublime: Brew up something delightfully different. Our one-of-a-kind take on the classic London Fog latte. Packed with flavors of black tea, sweet almond, and bergamot, the perfect companion for a moment of bliss!